Lake Park Homeowners Association
A private residential neighborhood in Champaign County, Illinois.
Welcome to Lake Park
The Lake Park Subdivision was established in 1960 by Parkhill Developers. A groundbreaking neighborhood plan included buried electrical lines and a manmade lake to attract families in the growing community surrounding the University of Illinois.
Over the years, the community has grown to include over 50 acres of unincorporated tract in Champaign County. Numerous common spaces, including the lake, woods, prairie, and gardens allow residents to enjoy a beautiful neighborhood within biking distance of campus.
Neiborhood Info
The Lake Park Homeowners Association actively fosters community events, coordinates communications, and manages common area maintenance throughout the year. A nine member Board of Directors oversees the HOA and common budget.
HOA Fees
Current fees for each lot in Lake Park subdivision are $638 per year. Payments can be made to PO Box 146 Savoy, IL 61874.
Community Volunteering
With the large common areas and facilities, the residents help care for the spaces through voluntary maintenance and cleanup. In addition, local native prairie enthusiasts help with controlled burns and other upkeep in the Lake Park’s conservation prairie area. Contact for more information.
More Resources
Important Association documents such as covenants and HOA by-laws can be found on this website. On-going and past projects and their materials can be found in the News section. Approved meeting minutes from monthly Board of Directors meetings are also available.
Upcoming Events
Check the HOA Calendar below for board meetings, social events, township pick-up days, and more.
Lake Park Calendar
Lake Park Annual Events
Annual Budget Review
Homeowners’ association annual budget proposal is created by the board of directors and distributed to all homeowners.
Spring Clean Up
Mid-Spring, Commons
Several clean up days are scheduled to work on common areas cleanup and maintenance. Residents are encouraged to volunteer on these days or when they have time.
New Member Welcome
Fall, member home
New residents to the neighborhood are welcomed and can meet and greet their fellow residents.
Board Election
Election of new directors for the association board. Three members of the nine member board are elected for three year terms according to the by-laws of the association.
Annual Meeting
Late September or October, Commons
A required meeting of the homeowners’ association that all residents are encouraged to attend. Usually held outside in one of the common areas, the year’s activities and expenses are reviewed and discussion held.
Holiday Party
Early december, member home
Residents are invited to celebrate the holiday season together, catch up and meet new people in the neighborhood.
Recent News
See what has been happening in the Neighborhood in these recent posts.
Beyond the Imagination
John Doe
Art & Design
Ethics of Art
Jane Moran
Art & Design
On a Design Race
Jessica Brand
Art & Design
How to Make a Website
Brenda Fallon
Protected: 2022 Summer Newsletter
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Get Involved
Lake Park subdivision has an active homeowners association that manages common areas, organizes social events, and shares information with the community. Please contact the HOA Board of Directors about open positions and volunteering.
Contact Us